Doug Fields has been a pastor to teenagers and a ministry leader for over 30 years. He’s the author of more than 50 books, including the award-winning Purpose-Driven Youth Ministry. Beyond youth ministry, Doug’s life is filled with great times with his wife Cathy and his own three amazing teenagers, Torie, Cody, and Cassie.
Josh is high school pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA, and has been in full-time youth ministry for 15 years. He’s author of 99 Thoughts for Youth Workers, 99 Thoughts for Small Group Leaders, and coauthor of Live Large. Be Different. Shine Bright. with Doug Fields. Josh speaks a little, writes a little, tweets a bit @joshuagriffin, and blogs a lot. More than 20,000 youth workers visit his blog each month. He’s also a father of four.