أن. تي. رايت هو الأسقف الأسبق لدورهام (Durham) في كنيسة إنكلترا، وأحد أبرز دارسي الكتاب المقدَّس في العالم. يخدم الآن بصفة أستاذ كرسيِّ العهد الجديد والمسيحيَّة الباكرة في كلِّيَّة لاهوت جامعة سانت أندروز (St. Andrews). درَّس مادَّةَ دراسات العهد الجديد مدَّة 20 سنة في جامعات كامبردج (Cambridge)، وماكجيل (McGill)، وأكسفورد (Oxford).

  • Simply Good News


    The Gospel means good news. But if the message has been around for 2,000 years, what makes it significant today? What’s so “good” about stories involving damnation, violence, and a God who sacrifices his only son?

    Noted Bible scholar N.T. Wright shows us how Christians today have lost sight of what the “good news” of the gospel really is. In Simply Good News, he takes us back in time to reveal how the people of the first-century—the gospel’s original audience—would have received Jesus’ message. He offer a clear and thoughtful analysis of what the “good news” really is, and applies it to our lives today, revealing its power to transform us.

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