Dr. Awsam Wasfi has a bachelor’s degree in pre-medicine, a master’s degree in psychiatric and neurological diseases. and a bachelor degree in Theology from the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (2005) where he has been teaching "Theology and Psychology" and "Church and Recovery since then.

He has been practicing since 1992 in the fields of psychotherapy, counseling and addictions rehabilitation, and has lectured in a number of Arab countries in these areas of study as well.

He is the founder of a number of programs, including one which supports mental health and recovery and one with a focus on educating teenagers. In 2005, he started The Healing Love Program to offer hope to homosexuals. Dr. Awsam also serves as the regional representative for the largest global association working with homosexuals. The association offers occasional advice to the Arab Region AIDS program of the UNDP (United Nations).

Dr. Awsam is married, lives in Cairo, and has a sixteen year-old daughter and a thirteen year-old son.

He has been writing books since 2004, including, ‘‘صحَّة العلاقات’’(Healthy Relationships), ‘‘الروحانيَّة والتعافي’’(Spirituality and Recovery’), ‘‘القلب الواعي’’ (The Conscious Heart), ‘‘مهارات المشورة’’ (Counseling Skills), ‘‘مهارات الحياة’’ (Life Skills) as well as the 12-booklet series 180 Degrees for youth and youth workers, produced by Ophir Publishers between 2008-2011.

  • Pain


    Contrary to what some might believe, God does not love pain. He created us for joy and fulfillment and gave us the innate desire for happiness and harmony. However, in a world where sickness attacks our bodies, pain is the signal of problems that need to be dealt with.

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  • Yes You Can


    In reflecting on recent changes in Egypt and the Arab world, Dr. Awsam suggests that we only truly feel a sense of belonging in our communities when we have the power to change and impact them. He states, “Knowing precisely when change starts is not as important making sure that it does start.” With social or political change come responsibility. This responsibility is integral to the message of the Kingdom of God. In proclaiming the Gospel, believers must also face the evils in society—thus functioning as the salt and light that Jesus called us to be. The motivation behind taking social responsibility cannot be a lust for power—rather, this responsibility must lead to service to the poor. In this way we work to build those things that are close to God’s heart—dignity, freedom and justice.

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  • A Step Forward


    Life constantly presents us with opportunities to take steps toward self-discovery and growth. Will we have the maturity to move forward? It all depends on our depth of self-understanding and whether we’ve cultivated an eagerness to learn about the world around us. In “Take a Step Forward,” we will discuss the developmental stages from birth to late adulthood. The first section is devoted to the foundational pre-school years, the second to the adolescent years, followed by a final section spanning the early to late adult years. Each section deals with the related developmental steps and challenges. Topics discussed include: security; self-concept; the role of relationship to mother and father; teaching ethics, sexuality and world view; discipline and physical abuse; single parent issues; personality types; different kinds of intelligence; dysfunctional families and their impact on children; developmental and behavioral disorders; sexual abuse, homosexuality and prevention. Author’s note: My hope is that this book will become a tool on the journey to maturity and will empower you to “Take a Step Forward!”

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  • Self Development


    Who am I? Where am I going? Not many people can answer these questions ! When we grow up in a family and a community that has an understanding of the innate value of being human and the knowledge that we are loved, we will have a foundation to grow on the rest of our lives. Without these foundation stones, we will spend our lives looking for dignity, love and value in the ways that may be dysfunctional or hurt us .God has given us the gift of free will. As we choose to renew our minds, we can leave behind even entrenched lies that limit us. As a result, we can manage our emotions and control our behavior, and begin to grow in areas as practical as money management, relationships and time management. As the reader understands and masters the steps to self-development you will be able to put together your own plan for growth.

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  • A Step Forward – Part Two


    Life constantly presents us with opportunities to take steps toward self-discovery and growth. Will we have the maturity to move forward? It all depends on our depth of self-understanding and whether we’ve cultivated an eagerness to learn about the world around us. In Part Two, Dr. Awsam follows up on his first book by discussing the developmental stages from adolescence to the late adulthood. He tackles such issues as: finding your identity; love and dating; dealing with teenagers; work life; choosing a spouse; finding balance in marriage; femininity and masculinity; dealing with the challenges of marriage; communication with your spouse; mid-age crises; and, the challenges of the late adult years. Author’s note: My hope is that this book will become a tool on the journey to maturity and will empower you to “Take a Step Forward!”

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  • The Power of Anger


    Dr. Awsam’s insightful exploration of anger teaches us to convert it into a positive force for good instead of letting it rage as a wildfire that can destroy our lives.

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  • Food: Friend or Enemy?


    Do we live to eat or eat to live? Food, just like sex, goes beyond a mere physical act, but impacts us emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Dr. Awsam explores the complexity of this subject, revealing our hunger to be loved and the intensity of our desires to be in control.

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  • Child Abuse


    What is abuse? How does a child experience abuse? Abuse can be so subtle that we may not even realize its effect on our lives. Or, at the opposite end of the spectrum, our own history of abuse may have trapped us in cycles of self-pity and damaging introspection. In fact, a high percentage of people have experienced some abuse as a child, whether physically, psychologically, sexually or spiritually. Ignoring this fact doesn’t make it go away, but bringing it to the light in a healthy way will result in healing and life.

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  • What is Love?


    The word “love” rolls so casually off of our lips that we may never stop to consider its full meaning. In his book Dr. Awsam discusses four manifestations of love: family love, friendship, romance and unconditional love—all of them essential for our functioning.

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  • Relationships


    Relationships are the source of our sweetest, most poignant moments…and also of our deepest pain. They are the most difficult task we will undertake and yet we cannot thrive without relationships. Yet many of us find ourselves ‘relationally-challenged’—without the skills to make relationships work. How can we develop ‘social intelligence’—the ability to relate well to others? How should our relationships change and mature with age and different stages of life? What about relationships with the opposite sex? How can we have healthy boundaries with others? Dr. Awsam explores these and other questions providing insight and practical answers.

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  • Very Personal


    Sex is a beautiful gift, which can be degraded or twisted into the destructive energy of lust. As such it must be approached with care, but without fear or scorn in order to fully appreciation for its beauty.

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  • Self Image


    If you were asked to write a letter introducing yourself, what would you say? Would you focus on your weaknesses and failings or would you want to make everything appear bright and shiny? Come explore how your self image affects your choices, your ability to succeed and your capacity to find contentment with who you are and with life.

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  • I Need Help


    Addiction–depending on a substance or behavior or relationship in an unhealthy way so that can’t live without it. When this happens we lose control and can no longer manage our lives. A person can be addicted to alcohol, drugs or food; to shopping, gambling, computer games. Others become workaholics, rageaholics, addicted to approval, or to another person emotionally or sexually. As humans, pretty much anything that meets a need can become an addiction. This book tackles the issues of addiction and recovery, includes a 12-step recovery program and examines the question of addiction as sin or illness.

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  • Anxiety


    Fear is like a neon sign telling us that danger is imminent. The resulting anxiety is healthy, as long as its intensity is proportionate to the seriousness of the situation. Normal anxiety fades when the threat ceases. However, if we become anxious and overly concerned without the presence of real danger, our state can be described as neurosis. This book from the 180 Degrees series deals with the causes and characteristics of neurotic anxiety and its treatment. It also talks about the existential ‘angst’ we as humans can suffer from as we look for meaning and purpose. In the end the author points us to the divine solution to these issues.

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  • Life Skills


    In order to conquer the challenges of daily life, every individual must develop the life skills that will enable him or her to thrive. We might assume that these skills are innate, but life experience teaches us that even intelligence and emotional sensitivity are not enough to avoid hurting those around us. Dr. Awsam handles the discussion of life skills simply and practically. Tools such as self control, healthy boundaries, assertiveness, and making choices that keep you sane and healthy, as well as communication and relationship skills are the building blocks of successful living. He also introduces coping skills, such as dealing with stress and embarrassment and not compromising under pressure. Finally the discussion is completed by covering the planning skills that move us forward, such as goal-setting, decision-making and prioritizing.

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  • Depression


    Sadness is a normal part of our lives with its ebbs and flows. We may find ourselves experiencing deep sadness in difficult circumstances, or grieving for a period of time, but when the season passes, peace and happiness return. Depression, however, goes beyond just ‘having the blues’ and can become a crippling disease that shuts down a person’s life. It rears its ugly head too often–depression is the primary causes of disability in the developed world, and (after heart disease) the second most common cause in the developing world. Depression has multiple roots, a variety of symptoms and an array of treatments. Our makeup as beings who are soul, spirit and body means that any treatment must also be holistic, ultimately looking to our Creator for the final solution.

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