Joshua Harris lives outside Washington, D.C., in Gaithersburg, Maryland, where he’s a pastor at Covenant Life Church. His greatest passion is preaching the gospel and calling his generation to wholehearted devotion to God. Each January he leads a national conference for singles called New Attitude.

  • Sex is not the problem


    This book was written for both men and women. Why? Because lust isn’t just a guy problem—it’s a human problem. And unless we’re willing to honestly confront it, lust will destroy our relationships and our lives. Joshua Harris, author of the runaway bestseller “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”, isn’t afraid to tackle a subject that many keep quiet. In “Sex is not the problem” Joshua calls a generation bombarded with pornography and images of sexual sin back to God’s standards and the freedom and joy of holiness. This book is intended to serve all ages, but particularly young Arab Christians, who are leading lives in an ever more sexually distorted media culture. Songs, movies, art and more are telling youth that “if you want it, go for it, it’s natural! In fact, it is not cool NOT to want it”.

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