• Disappointment with God


    A Gold Medallion Award Winner entitled “Disappointment with God” for the amazing author Philip Yancey. In this book Yancey writes about three questions no one asks Aloud! Is God Unfair? Is God Silent? Is God Hidden? … Read More These questions are asked with piercing honesty and biblical certainty, Step by step, Philip Yancey retraces the long journey toward understanding the answers to these and other questions. If God desires our love, why does he sometimes put obstacles in the way? Why does he seem so distant? What can we expect from him after all?

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  • The Three Philosophies of Life


    “I’ve been a philosopher for all my adult life and the three most profound books of philosophy that I have ever read are Ecclesiastes, Job, and Song of Songs.” These are the opening lines of Kreeft’s Three Philosophies of Life. Kreeft takes up the big questions of life, and marshals the answers with consummate grace and skill. He reflects that there are ultimately only three philosophies of life and each one is represented by one of these books of the Bible: Life is vanity: Ecclesiastes Life is suffering: Job Life is love: Song of Songs Finally, Kreeft sees in these books the epitome of theological virtues of faith, hope and love and “an essential summary of the spiritual history of the world”. Peter Kreeft is a professor of philosophy at Boston College. He is the author of many articles and books including Heaven: The Heart’s Deepest Longing, Fundamentals of the Faith, A Turn of the Clock, and Letters to Jesus.

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    The Four Loves


    Millions of words have been written on the true nature of love, but few are as succinct as in this book. This seminal inspirational work divides ‘love’ into four categories: Affection, Friendship, Eros and Charity. The first three come naturally, but without Charity, C.S. Lewis shows how all love can become distorted, bitter and even dangerous. The Four Loves summarizes four kinds of human love–affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God. Masterful without being magisterial, this book’s wise, gentle, candid reflections on the virtues and dangers of love draw on sources from Jane Austen to St. Augustine. The chapter on charity (love of God) may be the best thing Lewis ever wrote about Christianity. Consider his reflection on Augustine’s teaching that one must love only God, because only God is eternal, and all earthly love will someday pass away: Who could conceivably begin to love God on such a prudential ground–because the security (so to speak) is better? Who could even include it among the grounds for loving? Would you choose a wife or a Friend–if it comes to that, would you choose a dog–in this spirit? One must be outside the world of love, of all loves, before one thus calculates. When he begins to describe the nature of faith, Lewis writes: “Take it as one man’s reverie, almost one man’s myth. If anything in it is useful to you, use it; if anything is not, never give it a second thought.” (Amazon.com Review – Michael Joseph Gross )

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  • The Reason for GodBelief in an Age of Skepticism


    Why does God allow suffering in the world? How could a loving God send people to Hell? Why isn’t Christianity more inclusive? How can one religion be “right” and the others “wrong”? Why have so many wars been fought in the name of God? These are just a few of the questions and doubts even ardent believers wrestle with today. As the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, Timothy Keller has compiled a list of the most frequently voiced “doubts” skeptics bring to his church as well as the most important reasons for faith. And in the New York Times bestselling The Reason for God, he addresses each doubt and explains each reason. Keller uses literature, philosophy, real-life conversations, and reasoning to explain how faith in a Christian God is a soundly rational belief, held by thoughtful people of intellectual integrity with a deep compassion for those who truly want to know the truth.

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  • Modern Science in the Bible


    God’s intent in giving us the Bible was not to present us with a scientific textbook. And yet, as this richly illustrated book demonstrates, the Bible is a source of scientific information that supports what we know about our world today. Biologist Ben Hobrink takes us on a journey, discovering a wealth of facts about nutrition, health, hygiene, agriculture and geology that can’t be found in any other ancient text.

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  • The Da Vinci Code – Historical Fact or Literary Fiction?


    In order to meet the needs of our readers who are looking for brief, clear, yet comprehensive answers that deal with the misleading claims made in Dan Brown’s book “THE DA VINCI CODE”, we have produced this pamphlet. Complete with pictures in four-colour print, the pamphlet includes a detailed timeline. At a height 22.7cm of a full length of 98 cm that collapses into six folds, it is also easily transported and stored. Written by a Masters graduate in Divinity from England’s Cambridge University, this pamphlet tackles all the major questions raised by the controversial content of both the novel and the film.

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  • The Question that Never Goes Away


    In his classic book Where Is God When It Hurts, Philip Yancey gave us permission to doubt, reasons not to abandon faith, and practical ways to reach out to hurting people.
    And now, thirty years after writing his first book, Yancey revisits our cry of “Why, God” in three places stunned into silence by the calamities that have devastated them.  At some point all of us will face the challenges to faith Yancey writes about and look for the comfort and hope he describes.
    There are reasons to ask, once again, the question that never goes away: Where is God when we suffer? And Yancey, once again, leads us to find faith when it is most severely put to the test.

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  • Orthodoxy


    يشرحُ تشسترتون في هذا الكتاب سببَ اعتقادة أنَّ ’’الإيمان القويم‘‘ هو أفضلُ ما يفسِّر الوجودَ البشريّ، كما يُبيِّن الأسباب التي تجعلُه يرى الفلسفات والمعتقدات الأخرى غير مُقنعةٍ البتَّة. غير أنَّه في دفاع تشسترتون عن المسيحيَّة، يتناوَل أيضًا ما يكتنفُها من مفارَقات وغموضٍ ودهشة، مستخدمًا أمثلةً وتوضيحات ممَّا شهدَه في حياته.

    ويصف تشسترتون حالنا بالقول إنَّه: ’’حسبَ أغلب الفلاسفة، إنَّ الله في خلقِه العالم استعبدَه، أمَّا في المسيحيَّة فإنَّ الله في خلقِه العالم أطلقَه حرًّا. لم يكتُبِ الله قصيدةً، بل بالأحرى مسرحيَّة- وهي مسرحيَّة خُطِّطت بكمال، لكنْ وجبَ تسليمها إلى البشر من الممثِّلين وإداريِّي المسرح، الذين منذ أن تسلَّموها حوَّلوها إلى حالٍ فوضويَّة مسعورة‘‘.

    ’’إنَّ من المناسب جدًّا أن نستمعَ إلى صوت تشسترتون بالعربيَّة في سياقنا الحاليّ، لا سيَّما وهو يُثبتُ بالبرهان المنطقيّ التجريبيّ، أنَّ الإيمانَ القويمَ الذي ألهمَ القدماء، لا يزالُ قادرًا على إلهامنا، وأنَّ حُلم المدينة الفاضلة النازلة من السماء، هو أكثر ما سيجعلُنا نبني في واقعنا الحاليِّ مُدنًا أفضل‘‘

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    Encounters with Jesus


    One of the biggest obstacles for people to accept or believe in Christianity is that they think they know all about it already. After all, hasn’t it been around for thousands of years? Doesn’t everybody know what Christians believe?

    But if we look at Jesus’ encounters with various men and women during his life, we will find some of our assumptions challenged. These conversations were not about personal sins or specific religious views and practices, nor were they a set of talking points or a political platform. Instead, in these encounters we see him meeting people at the point of their big, unspoken questions: Who are we, and why are we here? Why be a good person; why love instead of hate? What’s wrong with the world—And what, if anything, can make it right?

    The Gospels are full of encounters that made a profound impact on those who spoke with Jesus in this way. In this 10-part ebook series, available as a hardcover book in Fall 2013, Timothy Keller explores these encounters and how they can still address our questions and doubts today.

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  • Man Myth Messiah


    The search for the historical Jesus continues to be headline news. Any speculative theory seems to get instant attention as the debate rages about His real identity and the claims made in His name. Did Jesus really exist? Is there real historical evidence that demonstrates that He lived and actually said and did the things the Gospels record? Is there any validity to the speculative claims that the Jesus story was a myth, borrowed from a variety of pagan cultures of the ancient world?

    In this follow-up to the book God’s Not Dead (that inspired the movie), Man, Myth, Messiah looks at the evidence for the historical Jesus and exposes the notions of skeptics that Jesus was a contrived figure of ancient mythology. It also looks at the reliability of the Gospel records as well as the evidence for the resurrection that validates His identity as the promised Messiah. Man, Myth, Messiah will be released concurrent to the God’s Not Dead movie sequel, which will cover the same theme.

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  • On Guard


    This concise guide is filled with illustrations, sidebars, and memorizable steps to help Christians stand their ground and defend their faith with reason and precision. In his engaging style, Dr. Craig offers four arguments for God’s existence, defends the historicity of Jesus’ personal claims and resurrection, addresses the problem of suffering, and shows why religious relativism doesn’t work. Along the way, he shares his story of following God’s call in his own life.

    This one-stop, how-to-defend-your-faith manual will equip Christians to advance faith conversations deliberately, applying straightforward, cool-headed arguments. They will discover not just what they believe, but why they believe—and how being on guard with the truth has the power to change lives forever.

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  • Making Sense of God


    إنَّنا نعيشُ في مجتمعاتٍ ازدادَ فيها التشكيك والاستقطابُ بينَ مَن يرى الحاجة إلى وجودِ الدِّين والإيمان من جهة، ومَن لا يرى حاجةً إلى وجود الدِّينِ بل إلى التركيز على المنطقِ والتجريب من جهةٍ أخرى. وهكذا برزَتْ في الآونةِ الأخيرة في مجتمعاتِنا أسئلةٌ مثل: ‘‘لماذا ينبغي أن يتَّكِلُ إنسانٌ على أمورٍ غَيبيَّة لا يمكنُ دَعمُها بالأدلَّة التجريبيَّة؟’’ و‘‘هل هناك دَورٌ فعليٌّ للدِّينِ يؤدِّيه في الحياةِ المعاصِرة؟’’

    في هذا الكتاب، يستعرضُ تيموثي كَلِر مقارنةً بين سعي كلٍّ من المسيحيَّة والعَلمانيَّة اللادينيَّة إلى تقديم وجهة نظر بشأن العديد من المسائل المهمَّة في الحياة- مثل معنى الحياة، والرِّضى، والحرِّيَّة، والهُوِيَّة، والعدالة، والرَّجاء- كما يقدِّم دعوةً مفتوحةً إلى قُطبَي المعادَلة لبحثِها ومناقشتها، ويلقي أيضًا الضَّوء على أهمِّيَّة المسيحيَّة في عصرنا الحاليِّ، ويطرحُ حُجَّتَه بأنَّها الأكثر منطقيَّة على المستوى الوجدانيِّ والثقافيِّ، والأقدَرُ على تفسيرِ أمورِ الحياة مَدارَ البحثِ بأوضح صورة.v

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  • If I Could Ask God Anything


    English Description:

    Awesome Bible answers for curious kids!

    If I Could Ask God Anything is a unique kid-friendly book jam-packed with clear, fresh answers to important questions about God, faith, prayer, and Christianity in language that children can understand. Using kid-friendly language, established author Kathryn Slattery tackles “toughies” such as:

    • If God is invisible, how do I know He is real?
    • Did Jesus live on Earth before or after the dinosaurs?
    • Why should I go to church?
    • When I die, do I become an angel with a halo and wings?
    • How can the Holy Spirit help me?
    • Does God stop loving me when I sin?

    This book will help young readers establish a closer relationship with God as well as help parents nurture their child’s mind and spirit with this well-rounded, Scripture-based guide.

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  • The Problem of Pain


    In The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis, one of the most renowned Christian authors and thinkers, examines a universally applicable question within the human condition: “If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain?” With his signature wealth of compassion and insight, C.S. Lewis offers answers to these crucial questions and shares his hope and wisdom to help heal a world hungering for a true understanding of human nature.

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  • Miracles


    In the classic Miracles, C.S. Lewis, the most important Christian writer of the 20th century, argues that a Christian must not only accept but rejoice in miracles as a testimony of the unique personal involvement of God in his creation. 

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  • The Atonement


    الكفَّارةيتناول كتاب ‘‘الكفَّارة’’ (The Atonement) العقيدة الشائكة عن الكفَّارة بإيجاز وسلاسة، وبأسلوب يجمعُ ما بين عدد من المجالات المعرفيَّة، حيث يستعين بالدراسات الكتابيَّة وتاريخ الكنيسة والفلسفة التحليليَّة.
    يتألَّف الكتاب من ثلاثة أجزاء: يتناول الأوَّل الأساسَ الكتابيَّ لعقيدة الكفَّارة، وهو جانب من العقيدة لا يَلقى اهتمامًا جادًّا من الفلاسفة المسيحيِّين المعاصرين الذين يكتبون في الموضوع. ويركِّزُ الجزء الثاني على بعض النظريَّات الرئيسيَّة للكفَّارة التي ظهرت قبل العصر الحديث، بُغيَة تقديم شرحٍ دقيقٍ لها، وهي غالبًا ما أُسيءَ فهمُها. ويدافع الجزءُ الثالثُ عن نظريَّةٍ للكفَّارة متعدِّدة الأوجه، تتَّخذُ من البدليَّة العقابيَّة مركزًا لها، وتستند إلى أفكار من فلسفة القانون (Philosophy of Law).
    وباستخدام أفكارٍ راسخةٍ في الفكر القانونيِّ، غالبًا ما يجري تجاهُلُها في المعالَجات الفلسفيَّة للكفَّارة، يحاول الكاتب أن يقدِّمَ شرحًا متَّسقًا من الناحية الفلسفيَّة لكفَّارة المسيح يرتبط ارتباطًا وثيقًا بعقيدة التبرير في الكتاب المقدَّس.


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