• Making Sense of God


    إنَّنا نعيشُ في مجتمعاتٍ ازدادَ فيها التشكيك والاستقطابُ بينَ مَن يرى الحاجة إلى وجودِ الدِّين والإيمان من جهة، ومَن لا يرى حاجةً إلى وجود الدِّينِ بل إلى التركيز على المنطقِ والتجريب من جهةٍ أخرى. وهكذا برزَتْ في الآونةِ الأخيرة في مجتمعاتِنا أسئلةٌ مثل: ‘‘لماذا ينبغي أن يتَّكِلُ إنسانٌ على أمورٍ غَيبيَّة لا يمكنُ دَعمُها بالأدلَّة التجريبيَّة؟’’ و‘‘هل هناك دَورٌ فعليٌّ للدِّينِ يؤدِّيه في الحياةِ المعاصِرة؟’’

    في هذا الكتاب، يستعرضُ تيموثي كَلِر مقارنةً بين سعي كلٍّ من المسيحيَّة والعَلمانيَّة اللادينيَّة إلى تقديم وجهة نظر بشأن العديد من المسائل المهمَّة في الحياة- مثل معنى الحياة، والرِّضى، والحرِّيَّة، والهُوِيَّة، والعدالة، والرَّجاء- كما يقدِّم دعوةً مفتوحةً إلى قُطبَي المعادَلة لبحثِها ومناقشتها، ويلقي أيضًا الضَّوء على أهمِّيَّة المسيحيَّة في عصرنا الحاليِّ، ويطرحُ حُجَّتَه بأنَّها الأكثر منطقيَّة على المستوى الوجدانيِّ والثقافيِّ، والأقدَرُ على تفسيرِ أمورِ الحياة مَدارَ البحثِ بأوضح صورة.v

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  • You are What You Love


    You are what you love.

    But you might not love what you think.

    In this book, award-winning author James K. A. Smith shows that who and what we worship fundamentally shape our hearts. And while we desire to shape culture, we are not often aware of how culture shapes us. We might not realize the ways our hearts are being taught to love rival gods instead of the One for whom we were made. Smith helps readers recognize the formative power of culture and the transformative possibilities of Christian practices. He explains that worship is the “imagination station” that incubates our loves and longings so that our cultural endeavors are indexed toward God and his kingdom. This is why the church and worshiping in a local community of believers should be the hub and heart of Christian formation and discipleship. 

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  • My Ready Set Find Bible


    My Ready Set Find Bible


    This book tells 22 stories from the Old and the New Testaments, with objects to look for in illustrations in both Arabic & English, children will learn more than 190 new words.


    It covers well-known & special stories in the Bible, such as Elijah & the prophets of Baal, Ruth, and The Good Samaritan, besides, the creation story, the flood, crossing the red sea, Abraham & Isaak, Joseph, Daniel, Queen of Sheba, Samuel calling, birth of Jesus, feeding people, The lost sheep, palm Sunday, crucifixion & resurrection of Jesus.     It has beautiful child friendly illustrations with simple language.

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  • Surprised by Joy


    The Shape of My Early Life is a partial autobiography describing Lewis’ conversion to Christianity. The book overall contains less detail concerning specific events than typical autobiographies. This is because his purpose in writing wasn’t primarily historical. His aim was to identify & describe the events surrounding his accidental discovery of & consequent search for the phenomenon he labelled “Joy”. This word was the best translation he could make of the German idea of Sehnsucht, longing. That isn’t to say the book is devoid of information about his life. He recounts his early years with a measure of amusement sometimes mixed with pain.

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  • Everybody Always


    New York Times Bestseller!

    What happens when we give away love like we’re made of it?

    In his entertaining and inspiring follow-up to the New York Times bestselling phenomenon Love Does, Bob Goff takes readers on a journey into the secret of living without fear, constraint, or worry. The path toward the liberated existence we all long for is found in a truth as simple to say as it is hard to do: love people, even the difficult ones, without distinction and without limits.

    Driven by Bob’s trademark storytelling, Everybody, Always reveals the lessons Bob learned–often the hard way–about what it means to love without inhibition, insecurity, or restriction. From finding the right friends to discovering the upside of failure, Everybody, Always points the way to embodying love by doing the unexpected, the intimidating, the seemingly impossible. Whether losing his shoes while skydiving solo or befriending a Ugandan witch doctor, Bob steps into life with a no-limits embrace of others that is as infectious as it is extraordinarily ordinary. Everybody, Always reveals how we can do the same.

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  • Grace Notes


    ” “There is no writer in the evangelical world that I admire and appreciate more.” – Billy Graham Philip Yancey’s words—captured in his many bestselling books—have influenced the lives of millions of readers by strengthening their faith, building their hope, sparking their creativity, and challenging their comfort zones. If you’re one of those readers, you know personally how his insights have affected your mind and heart. And if you’re new to Yancey, you’re in for a life-altering experience. These meditations—all drawn from the beloved and bestselling writings of the author—will take you through an entire year of Yancey’s insight and imagination, covering a broad range of topics: • How to rediscover God through the wonders of nature, music, and romantic love • Why grace means you can’t do anything to make God love you more or less • What happens when you cut through preconceptions to encounter the “real” Jesus • How to renew your understanding and practice of prayer • Where you can see God in unexpected people and places • How to cope when life crashes in around you Every day, experience the best from a beloved author who, with freshness, clarity, and energy, has so brilliantly articulated God’s wonderful but mysterious relationship with you. “

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  • Love’s Enduring Promise


    Book 2 of Love Comes Softly. Their family growing, Clark and Marty look to bind each other together with love and faith. Over 800,000 sold!

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  • Love Comes Softly


    Love Comes Softly introduced the characters of Marty and Clark Davis, whose tragic circumstances brought them to a “marriage of convenience” on the frontier prairies during the mid 1800s. The story of how Clark’s patient, caring love mirrored that of the heavenly Father, drawing Marty to faith and to love, has captured the hearts and imaginations of over one million readers on Book One alone!

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  • If I Could Ask God Anything


    English Description:

    Awesome Bible answers for curious kids!

    If I Could Ask God Anything is a unique kid-friendly book jam-packed with clear, fresh answers to important questions about God, faith, prayer, and Christianity in language that children can understand. Using kid-friendly language, established author Kathryn Slattery tackles “toughies” such as:

    • If God is invisible, how do I know He is real?
    • Did Jesus live on Earth before or after the dinosaurs?
    • Why should I go to church?
    • When I die, do I become an angel with a halo and wings?
    • How can the Holy Spirit help me?
    • Does God stop loving me when I sin?

    This book will help young readers establish a closer relationship with God as well as help parents nurture their child’s mind and spirit with this well-rounded, Scripture-based guide.

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  • Indescribable


    يضمُّ كلُّ تأمُّل جزءًا بعنوان ‘‘حقيقة مذهلة’’، والذي يعرض
     حقائقَ مُدهِشةً عن الكائنات الحيَّة والكَون، وينتَهي كلُّ تأمُّل
      بصلاةٍ قصيرةٍ مع بعض الأنشطةِ المقترَحة.
        تساعد التأمُّلات الأطفال على رَبْطِ المعلومة العلميَّة بتطبيقاتٍ
        عمليَّةٍ وروحيَّةٍ في حياتهم اليوميَّة.‘‘السَّماواتُ تحدِّثُ بمَجدِ الربِّ، والفلكُ يُخبِرُ بعَمَل يَدَيه’’.
    (مزمور 19: 1)
    يضمُّ كتابُ فوق الوصف 99 تأمُّلًا عن عَظَمةِ الله وإبداعه في خليقته، وذلك بالاستِعانة بحَقائقَ علميَّةٍ، وباستخدام الصور والرسوم التوضيحيَّة. تساعدُ هذه التأمُّلات الصغارَ (والكبارَ أيضًا) على الاطِّلاع على إبداعِ الله الخالق، وذلك من جوانبَ عدَّة من حَولنا، مثل:
    الفضاء والمجرَّات والكواكب والنُّجوم.
    الأرض والجيولوجيا والمحيطات والحالة الجوِّيَّة.
    الحيوانات- من طائر الطنَّان إلى الدَّيناصورات.
    جِسم الإنسان وعقله وتصوُّراته.
    اكتشِفْ عَجائبَ العالَمِ
    من إبداع خالق الكَونللأعمار من ٩ سنوات فما فوق

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  • And the Butterfly Landed


    Suheil Saoud
    Born in Minyarat Akkar. He holds a BA in English Literature and a Diploma in Education from the Haigazian University, and a Master of Theology from The Near East School of Theology in Beirut.
    He was the head of The Lebanese Evangelical Society, and the Association of Evangelical Schools, the secretariat of the Committee on Educational and Historical Affairs and the Committee on Social Services.
    He writes in the Lebanese daily An-Nahar and in about 13 newspapers and magazines in the Arab world. His writings include: “The Bible: Doctrine and Life”, “The Gospel and the World Today” and “1517: Evangelical Reform and its Impact on Life.”


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  • A Grief Observed


    Written after his wife’s tragic death as a way of surviving the “mad midnight moment,” A Grief Observedis C.S. Lewis’s honest reflection on the fundamental issues of life, death, and faith in the midst of loss. This work contains his concise, genuine reflections on that period: “Nothing will shake a man — or at any rate a man like me — out of his merely verbal thinking and his merely notional beliefs. He has to be knocked silly before he comes to his senses. Only torture will bring out the truth. Only under torture does he discover it himself.” This is a beautiful and unflinchingly honest record of how even a stalwart believer can lose all sense of meaning in the universe, and how he can gradually regain his bearings.

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  • The Great Divorce


    C.S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce is a classic Christian allegorical tale about a bus ride from hell to heaven. An extraordinary meditation upon good and evil, grace and judgment, Lewis’s revolutionary idea in the The Great Divorce is that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside. Using his extraordinary descriptive powers, Lewis’ The Great Divorce will change the way we think about good and evil. 

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  • Freedom of Simplicity


    A revised and updated edition of the manifesto that shows how simplicity is not merely having less stress and more leisure but an essential spiritual discipline for the health of our soul.

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  • Vintage Saints & Sinners


    The word saint conjures up images of superstar Christians revered for their spectacular acts and otherworldly piety. But when we take a closer look at the lives of these spiritual heavyweights, we learn that they also experienced struggle, doubt, and heartache.

    In fact, we learn that in many ways they’re not all that different from you and me.

    Narrating her own winding pilgrimage through faith, Karen Marsh reveals surprising lessons in everyday spirituality from these “saints”―folks who lived and breathed, and failed and followed God. Told with humor and vulnerability, Vintage Saints and Sinners introduces us afresh to twenty-five brothers and sisters who challenge and inspire us with their honest faith.

    Using the included conversation starters, you can join Karen on her journey with the likes of Augustine, Brother Lawrence, and Saint Francis, as well as Amanda Berry Smith, Søren Kierkegaard, Dorothy Day, Howard Thurman, Flannery O’Connor, and many more. Let their lives and their wisdom be an invitation to authentic life in Christ.

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  • The Little Book of Biblical Justice


    Christians also regard the Bible as a uniquely important source of guidance on matters of belief and practice. What the Bible has to say about justice, therefore—both social justice and criminal justice—ought to be of great significance for Christian thought and action today. Yet coming to grips with biblical teaching on justice is by no means easy. Chapters here include:

    • What is Justice
    • Justice in the Biblical Worldview
    • He Contours of Biblical Justice
    • Jesus and Justice

    Upfront, Marshall addresses the many complexities that surround “justice” in the Bible: the Bible seems to hold conflicting points of view; there is a huge amount of data to deal with; the world of the Bible and our present world are vastly different. Marshall’s honest treatment of this subject is direct, yet almost lyrical in tone. He manages a thorny, multi-faceted subject clearly and ultimately singles out the broad areas of theological agreement among the Bible’s writers. Highly stimulating. Highly inspirational.

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