• What is Love?


    The word “love” rolls so casually off of our lips that we may never stop to consider its full meaning. In his book Dr. Awsam discusses four manifestations of love: family love, friendship, romance and unconditional love—all of them essential for our functioning.

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  • Renovation of the HeartPutting on the Character of Christ


    Don’t just be a Christian. Be like Jesus. “Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts.” –Proverbs 4:23, The Message We don’t become Christians to stay the way we are. Instead, we are to be apprentices of Jesus Christ–to become more like Him every hour, every day, every year. Sounds good, but how does it happen? For starters, Christ’s vision for your life starts from the inside out, not “outside in” like many Christians try to make it. That’s because becoming an apprentice of Christ isn’t like cramming for a test or trying to say the “right things” at church. It’s a revolution of the heart that transforms your motives and perspectives. Respected authors Dallas Willard and Randy Frazee reach out to students with this promise: become like Christ and you’ll discover the true purpose of your life. In other words, don’t settle for being a Christian–learn to be like Jesus.

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  • Live Large. Be Different. Shine Bright.


    Somewhere along the line, an expectation has crept into church youth groups that once you begin to follow Jesus, you just magically turn into a completely mature Christian. Well, that’s just not true!

    In Live Large. Be Different. Shine Bright., Doug Fields and Joshua Griffin share about some important character qualities that will help teenagers live large, be different, and shine bright. A lot of what Doug and Joshua write about doesn’t seem to get much sermon time, but these topics are definitely worthy of consideration and experimentation topics like competition, laughter, cliques, encouragement and several others will help teenagers in the process of being a more vibrant follower of Jesus.

    These two youth ministry veterans definitely have a deep love for teenagers and a passion to help them become more attractive as they discover what it means to follow Jesus.

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  • Group’s Emergency response HandBook


    You want to help — a church member faces a terminal illness, good friends of yours just lost their child, a member of your group is struggling with an addiction, the death of a child, divorce, addiction, terminal illness–but you feel unsure how to help.

    Prepare yourself with practical ways to love others through their greatest challenges. People face difficult, painful stuff in life–and they shouldn’t struggle alone. But what do you say? How do you help? What if you make things worse?

    This rapid-response handbook gives you and your small group the confidence to share God’s love and comfort with hurting friends.

    You will be prepared to respond with 12 chapters focused on twelve emergencies that people you care for may encounter.

    Each chapter includes:

    • Real Life Narrative -Learn from someone who has been there
    • Care and Counseling Tips – Practical ideas to personally reach out in love
    • Tips for your entire small group -Great ways your group can offer support
    • What to say and What not to say -Positive encouragement to help the hurting, and advice on what not to say
    • You’ll also find Scripture connections, guidelines for referring your friend to a professional counselor, additional resources, and ways your group can stand by your friend in need.

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  • Guy Talk Girl Talk


    After a few decades in youth ministry, we’ve realized something–guys and girls are different. And significantly so, at that. So rather than the usual one message fits all approach, we’ve created an extensive 10-week small group curriculum with two paths, each specifically tailored for one gender or the other.
    This small group curriculum series will help your students get solid biblical insight on topics ranging from friendships and gossip to peer pressure and sex. Designed to get your students talking about significant and real issues that they face everyday, you’ll see your students begin to open up, share their thoughts and feelings, and witness the formation of deep and lasting friendships.
    And since the entire series is written twice, one geared for guys and one for girls, you can be certain you’ll get examples, discussion starters, and goal setting tips that you can use right away.

    Guy Topics Include:
    Being a Man
    Self Image
    True Strength
    God-given Tools

    Girl Topics Include:
    Girl Politics

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  • Kids’ Travel Guide to the Parables


    The parables of Jesus are rich resources for transforming children! This edition of the Kids’ Travel Guide series explores 13 of Jesus’ “greatest hits” parables. Lead kids (age levels K-5th grade) on a 13-week exploration of the parables that will help them understand what God wants of them. Kids’ Travel Guide to the Parables includes “Pathway Points” to focus kids in on the point to each parable in fun and interactive ways. It’s perfect for Sunday school or midweek, and flexible — works for 2 kids…12 kids…20 kids!

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  • Take Care of My Sheep


    This first part of The Pastors’ Manual deals with what it means to be a pastor. Jethro’s first advice to Moses is: ‘You must be the people’s representative before God’ (Exodus 18:19). The pastor is called to carry his congregation to God in prayer and at the same time represent God to the church. This is a special position, in which the pastor speaks on behalf of both the church and God. The pastor’s entire life is marked by this responsibility. In this book we will look at how this ministry affects his spiritual life and his daily existence. We will also consider the task itself, typical pitfalls, and how to persevere as a pastor. While reading and studying this chapter, never forget the promise of our Lord in 1 Thessalonians 5:24: “The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it”!

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  • Passion for Preaching


    The second advice Jethro gives his son-in-law Moses is: “Teach them the decrees and laws”. In our contemporary language this means: preach to them the Word of God. Teaching and preaching are intertwined in the Bible and so Moses has the task of preaching. Today preaching is seen as one of the main tasks of a pastor. When the congregation has gathered to worship and listen to the Word of God, the preacher is there to explain and apply God’s words to His people. In preaching, God’s words as they are written down in the Bible come alive. In order to preach biblically and relevantly, the pastor needs to dig deep into the Word, bring it close to the hearts and lives of the people. He has to make sure that the Word of the Lord has touched his own heart as well. This part will show you how to do so.

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  • Teach Me Your Way


    This part is about the third word of advice Jethro offers Moses, in which he says: ‘show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave’ (Exodus 18:20). Here, Jethro is talking about the task of teaching the people of God. Teaching focuses on the practical application in daily life of that which has been preached. In the Bible, teaching always centres on practising what we preach.

    In the worldwide church, this teaching is known as discipleship. How can we live our lives as disciples of Jesus? How can we grow in following Christ? What does it mean to be a child of the Father? These things require knowledge of what the faith is really all about, and instruction as to how to put this knowledge into practice day by day. Discipleship combines our creed with our conduct; it deals with what we believe and what we do. That is what this part of the Pastors’ Manual is all about: what do you teach your people in order to help them grow as disciples of Jesus. You can present the many questions in this section to your congregation when you teach them these lessons and you can also use them to go deeper into these lessons yourself.


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  • Simply Good News


    The Gospel means good news. But if the message has been around for 2,000 years, what makes it significant today? What’s so “good” about stories involving damnation, violence, and a God who sacrifices his only son?

    Noted Bible scholar N.T. Wright shows us how Christians today have lost sight of what the “good news” of the gospel really is. In Simply Good News, he takes us back in time to reveal how the people of the first-century—the gospel’s original audience—would have received Jesus’ message. He offer a clear and thoughtful analysis of what the “good news” really is, and applies it to our lives today, revealing its power to transform us.

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  • Embracing Her Potential


    The book consists of seven chapters each of which begins with a short story and real events that took place in an Arab country like Iraq, or Egypt, or Jordan, or Palestine, & each story opens the door to discussing one of many difficulties that face women in the Arab world. Although the situations might be dark but there’s still hope at the end of each chapter & an urge to look for practical solutions. The book tackles many issues related to woman, their role in the house, work & community, & being the guardian of the family honor bearing on her shoulders the responsibility of maintaining its name since birth and until her death. The book also raises the question about the status of woman & if she only fits as a painting on the wall at the man’s museum. More talk is mentioned about violence against women exploring the types of violence to make them aware of it.  Finally, the book presents a proposal to the leaders of the church in the Arab world reminding them of the Christian woman who despite the distinctive status she has in the eyes of God, is still under the oppression in the church, home, and community.

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  • Shepherding the flock


    This part is about the third word of advice Jethro offers Moses, in which he says: ‘show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave’ (Exodus 18:20). Here, Jethro is talking about the task of teaching the people of God. Teaching focuses on the practical application in daily life of that which has been preached. In the Bible, teaching always centres on practising what we preach.

    In the worldwide church, this teaching is known as discipleship. How can we live our lives as disciples of Jesus? How can we grow in following Christ? What does it mean to be a child of the Father? These things require knowledge of what the faith is really all about, and instruction as to how to put this knowledge into practice day by day. Discipleship combines our creed with our conduct; it deals with what we believe and what we do. That is what this part of the Pastors’ Manual is all about: what do you teach your people in order to help them grow as disciples of Jesus. You can present the many questions in this section to your congregation when you teach them these lessons and you can also use them to go deeper into these lessons yourself.


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  • Organizing the Church


    Wherever people come to faith, they begin to meet together and form a faith community. This began with the first Christians who came to faith on the Day of Pentecost. They came together in each other’s homes not only to receive teaching from the Scriptures and to pray, but also “to fellowship”(Acts 2:42). A few verses after this, we read that “All the believers were together and had everything in common” (verse 44). Believing is not something you do alone. The moment you come to faith in Jesus, you become a part of his body, a member of a very large, worldwide family. This family includes young and old, men and women, black and white, rich and poor. All these completely different people are bound together by the fact that each one has responded to Jesus’ voice, received the same invitation from God, and said ‘yes’. Each person who comes to faith gives his life to God and God then gives us to one another in order for us to follow and obey Jesus together and serve one another. These two aspects of Christianity are the pillars on which every congregation of Christ rests: honouring God and serving one’s neighbour.

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  • 1517: Evangelical Reform and its effect on the Areas of Life


    1517: Evangelical Reform and its effect on the Areas of Life

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  • On Guard


    This concise guide is filled with illustrations, sidebars, and memorizable steps to help Christians stand their ground and defend their faith with reason and precision. In his engaging style, Dr. Craig offers four arguments for God’s existence, defends the historicity of Jesus’ personal claims and resurrection, addresses the problem of suffering, and shows why religious relativism doesn’t work. Along the way, he shares his story of following God’s call in his own life.

    This one-stop, how-to-defend-your-faith manual will equip Christians to advance faith conversations deliberately, applying straightforward, cool-headed arguments. They will discover not just what they believe, but why they believe—and how being on guard with the truth has the power to change lives forever.

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  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality


    Peter Scazzero learned the hard way: you can’t be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. Even though he was pastor of a growing church, he did what most people do:

    ·         Avoid conflict in the name of Christianity

    ·         Ignore his anger, sadness, and fear

    ·         Use God to run from God

    ·         Live without boundaries

    Eventually God awakened him to a biblical integration of emotional health, a relationship with Jesus, and the classic practices of contemplative spirituality. It created nothing short of a spiritual revolution, utterly transforming him and his church.

    In this book Scazzero outlines his journey and the signs of emotionally unhealthy spirituality. Then he provides seven biblical, reality-tested ways to break through to the revolutionary life Christ meant for you.

    “The combination of emotional health and contemplative spirituality,” he says, “unleashes the Holy Spirit inside us so that we might experientially

    know the power of an authentic life in Christ.”


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